Project Eda Lightner Mika Wanda Short Comic Page 1

Crouching on the shore, Mika looked over the stream that crossed her path. She noticed a small bridge downstream. It was level with the ground, suspended only inches above the water. It didn’t look safe.

Going around means going back around the lake, she muttered.

There’s no crossing at the river, said Shona.

Mika looked up at her young guide. Are you sure the bridge is safe?

What bridge? Shona asked.

The one right over there! Mika pointed at the metal crossing and shook her head. That girl sure needs to pay attention to her environment more, she thought.

Oh, I don’t know. Try it, said Shona.

Mika sighed. She got up and walked to the bridge. It looked old, but having seen it up close, she felt a little more confident that it would support her, at least enough for her to get across.

She paused before her foot touched the first metal plate. She could sense the invisible distortions in the air over the lake behind her.

She took a step. The bridge creaked, but it didn’t wobble. Slowly but anxiously, she began to cross the stream. Her fear forced her to gradually speed up her pace.