Project Eda Lightner Project SQ - The Sixth Story

Project SQ - The Sixth Story
Matthew James Gambill
colored pencil

Project SQ is an art project based on Andersen's The Snow Queen. The Sixth Story, where Gerda travels to the Snow Queen's castle.

Back in my very first art class in college, I drew a sketch of a tiny robot that I named Birdbot. I didn’t do anything with it at first, but in 2002 I wanted to do a music project for Christmas.

I chose to make a concept album based on a futuristic version of the Snow Queen, a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. That’s why in the drawing for the Second Story, the Snow Queen is driving a motorized sled. I don’t think they had those in the 19th century.

Like the other drawings in this series, this was drawn on A3 paper (although this time I did it landscape). The rough sketch was done with a mechanical pencil filled with blue lead. I then drew in the outlines with a black 2B drafting pencil. I’ve found it a bit tedious to actually have to sharpen the lead from time to time, yet for some reason all but two of my mechanical pencils have disappeared so I was stuck doing it the old-fashioned way.

After that I colored it with colored pencils. I left the background white because, to be honest, I was afraid that added any color would ruin it. Well, snow’s white anyway, right?

It took me a year to get around to drawing this last picture, but it only took a couple hours to make it. That’s the way it goes.

See the Seventh Story here.

See the Fifth Story here.

See the original 2002 version here.